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Vision and Mission


In line with the strategic goals of the University and the College, LT strives to build and maintain comprehensive, dynamic, innovation, sustainable, and expandable programmes of globally-recognized academic excellence and social impact in all frontier areas of linguistics and translation/interpretation studies according to the expertise of our faculty.

LT provides a comprehensive range of language-related studies, including general linguistics (formal and functional approaches), corpus and computational linguistics, empirical and psychological linguistics, neuro-cognitive linguistics, pedagogical linguistics, and translation and interpretation studies.


LT is dedicated to:

  1. achieve academic leadership, international visibility and global partnership in Language-related studies:
    1. LT’s Linguistic programme has been ranked among the top 45 in QS world Subject ranking for the past 11 years (2013-23):
      QS world Subject ranking - Linguistic

      The QS subject ranking in Linguistics of the three top universities in HK in years 2013-23

    2. LT has regularly invited short-term visitors, long-term visiting scholars, visiting students from around 50 world-leading universities.
    3. Organized and hosted at least one international conference/competition each year since 2016
  2. cultivate a positive and rigorous academic culture of mutual support, active exchange and intellectual discovery:
    1. Mandatary implementation of the Advisor-Advisee system to guarantee academic consultation and support
    2. Promoting the Mentor-Mentee student groups by hosting Booster Camp each year
    3. Hosting LT Research Forum for intellectual exchange and appreciation
    4. Co-sponsor regional and international workshops, seminar series, and conferences
    5. Fully implementing Discovery-based curriculum in all courses and evaluation
    6. Offering LT Career Exemplar Talks to prepare students for professional careers
  3. promote team-based, multi-disciplinary, inter-programme, inter-departmental, and inter-institutional teaching and research collaborations:
    1. Established 10 research teams to promote intra-faculty collaboration
    2. Encouraging cross- and multi-disciplinary collaboration in research grant application
    3. Promoting inter-institutional academic collaboration and dual degrees
    4. Establishing international exchange programme partners for student exchanges
  4. build innovative platforms for knowledge discovery and transfer:
    1. Promoting knowledge transfer projects and facilitating social impact
  5. support students to “Go Global” by providing diverse opportunities for internships, summer study tours and exchange programmes – “Open eyes and open minds”:
    1. 52 internship partners are established for 237 intern positions
    2. 4 summer study tours are established for studying abroad in USA, Taiwan, Shanghai
    3. 10 exchange partners for international exchange studies
  6. upgrade academic programmes through effective curriculum reform, admissions exercise, and PhD student recruitment:
    1. Executing BA programme reviews, promotion, and curriculum enhancement
    2. MA/RD curriculum reforms to establish FOUR major streams of study
    3. Promoting PhD recruitment, HK PhD Fellowship and HK-Mainland joint PhDs
  7. and
  8. balance the development in innovative teaching, productive research and effective services:
    1. Cultivate positive team work in all areas of performance
    2. Encourage the synergy of Linguistics and Translation (see the Unique Features of LT)

Overally, the Department of Linguistics and Translation of City University of Hong Kong is delicated to providing its students with top-quality and innovative higher education; to contribute to knowledge advancement and knowledge transfer; to interact and collaborate with programmes of similar and related subject areas in other institutions and professional bodies; to cooperate and partner with industry, commerce and the community; and to offer access to the Department’s human, physical and technological resources for the benefit of the society. Anticipating and responding to local, regional, and global needs and the effects of rapid social, technical and linguistic change, the Department of Linguistics and Translation is determined to promote research, teaching and services, both basic and applied, in an open, dynamic, sustainable and expandable manner.

Enquiry: LTenquiry@cityu.edu.hk

Page last updated: 13 April 2023